Sunday 16 June 2013

Food food FOOD

Today I have been thinking mostly about food, I have been hungry ALL DAY.

I decided to do a long run this morning. Firstly because I’m exactly half way between the last marathon and the next, so it seemed quite a sensible time to do it. Also, today was the London to Brighton cycle race and it goes right past my flat, and I can’t watch other people doing large amounts of exercise without feeling guilty.

So, food. I woke up hungry as usual.  I have been eating a wholemeal bagel with peanut butter and topped with a banana for breakfast before the last couple of marathons and am finding it an energy dense and tasty breakfast. Plus one cup of coffee and lots of water. So that sorted me out and I set off around 10.30am.

I enjoyed the route, I haven’t been to Wimbledon Common or Richmond Park for AGES and I was missing them. I have never been at this time of year before, I only started running there last Autumn, and it looks completely different in the summer!

OK, it's not a great view, but I wanted a break, sorry. And it's not very sunny. But that's not my fault. Pretty poor show on the weather front today, although of course the rain immediately stopped as soon as I did, and it's been quite nice ever since.

I first started to feel hungry around 3.5 miles (?!), I’d only brought Jelly Snakes, as I’m trying to eat ‘better sweets’ if there is such a thing, and they are made with natural colours and flavours, so I feel a bit better about eating a lot of  them. But they didn't cut it today! My breakfast ran out at about 13 miles, so the last 5 or so miles I found quite difficult. Since finishing, I have had some milk and an oat slice straight afterwards, then I made a risotto (delicious! If I may say so) x 2 helpings at about 3.30pm, then some frozen yoghurt, an apple and 2 slices of toast. It’s only 8pm and my stomach is rumbling AGAIN. But I burnt 1573 Kcal running, so I suppose that equates to quite a lot of food.

So this week has been a good running week:

Mon: 6.5 miles, 0:55:00
Tues: 3.6 miles, 0:31:34, 8’38’’/mile, 311 Kcal
Wed: rest
Thur: 7.1 miles, 1:00:03, 8’27’’/mile, 603 Kcal
Fri: rest
Sat: 7.3 miles, 1:00:05, 8’13’’/mile, 621 Kcal (Intervals!!! NikePlus route looks wicked when you do fast bits!)

Sun: 18.5 miles, 3:03:37, 9’55’’/mile, 1573 Kcal

Next weekend my parents are walking a 100km walk for the British Heart Foundation. I know. MENTAL :-D Here is their page if you would to check out further details of their amazing challenge, which they are doing in memory of my Grandad who died from a heart attack a few years ago: 

Andrew and me are going to be walking with them through Saturday night section (for moral support, although who will be supporting who remains to be seen). Its's around 20 miles in the dark....spooky, wooooo! I did a 100 km trek with my parents and my friend Lisa a few years ago (Trailwalk), so this will be like old times! It was a lot of fun so I can't wait to do a little bit of it again! Head torch at the ready....

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