Monday, 25 November 2013

New stuff

I have been absolutely shocking at blogging since I vowed to keep doing it! And, I have really missed it, I felt really homesick just now when I logged back in! So, let that be a lesson to me....

So, since my last whinging blog about everything being over, and the end, and everything was sad and awful, I am feeling back to normal again.

I have tried having a bit of an easy couple of weeks running wise, but I haven't really enjoyed it, so have decided just to keep going. Not going to do any more races this year, but keep up the training and miles....and New Year bring it on!

I have signed up to my first ultra marathon race in April 2014. It's a 50 mile race, on the 12/13th April the weekend before my 30th birthday, so it's at a good time to do something significant I felt! I had a slight panic attack when I got the confirmation of my entry, but that is now under control, and I have convinced myself to look forward to starting training at the beginning of January, when it's all lovely and warm and sunny and dry weather, and I wake up each morning and jump out of bed and into my trainers with a grin. Woop! Seriously, I AM looking forward to it as it's all new for me, have started doing a bit of research into how to train for ultras, and it all looks like quite a lot, and a bit daunting and exciting.

I also did a 10 km race last weekend, the Abby Dash in Leeds, with my new running club Chapel Allerton Runners!!!!

All CARs did amazingly and must have set some kind of record for the number of people setting PBs in a race. I finished in 44.16 which is within 2 minutes of my PB so I am soooo happy too! I thought that with all the marathon training this year I would have lost a lot of speed, indeed some people poo-poo marathon running for making you a slow runner and say it is a waste of time So, now I can say to those people, that is not true! Ha!

I have also started cycling a bit more and doing spinning, in preparation for perhaps doing a triathlon next year. Check out the local terrain (I would like to draw your attention to the hills):

Yorkshire is pretty nice!

Other than that, I've been fully making use of the excuse to eat a lot, under the pretense of 'building myself up'.

Running must continue, to match cake intake....

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