Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Revision has given way to mince pies and singing Christmas songs....

Ooops. Ah well, it was going to happen at some point.

Also, a great procrastination activity = researching ultra marathon training. This is also hugely useful way to spend/waste time, and this research will no end of help 10 minutes into Thursday's exam when I remember that I can remember nothing about type 2 diabetes, but EVERYTHING about the training program for a 50 mile race.

My ultra-marathon is 123 days away. Is it bad that when counting the weeks on the calendar I could only remember up to 49 in the 7 times table? That is how drained my brain is. I guess. Or I really am thick. 

Anyway. 123 days. That's 17.5 weeks (7 times table is working again). The Runners World Website's training plan says you need 16 weeks to train for your ultra-marathon. So, Saturday next week then is when it all begins: ***Day 1 of training = 21st December!*** To be completely honest, I'm a tiny bit disappointed that this is starting 4 days before Christmas. Mulled wine, wine, mince pies......oh how I will miss you. 

But, following further research, I found that it's important to fit your training program around your life, and it can include treats, so as to increase adherence and enjoyment. I will be sticking with the mince pies then. 

1 comment:

  1. Never ever ever let training get in the way of mince pies!! And never ever stop making them (you obviously inherited Nana's mince pie making skills). You'll need to come back home quickly, supplies are running out + I need to build up my strength. Is it really only 17 weeks to the 50 mile event? Eeek, I'd better not sit around for too long then. I know I've only got to walk it but even so!!!
    Mum x
