Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all!

Long break from running....but, just in time for a bright and shiny new year, things are looking up!

5 weeks of complete rest from running = longest ever! During that time, I forced myself to swim and gym it, and walk around a lot, and do the stretches.

Christmas holidays to Scotland and stayed in a log cabin in Avimore for a couple of days. Andrew went for a 7 mile run around Loch Morelich, and I went along, and tried running/ walking a shorter route, to test if anything had changed since a few weeks ago. The last few days had been quite mild and most of the snow on the ground had melted, and there had been lots of rain, so there was lots of flooding on the ground. Distracted by the beautiful scenery I hopped over a big puddle. High in the air, I remembered I wasn't supposed to do things like that - I've read that to test a stress fracture, then you should do the 'hop test' by hopping on the stressed leg, and then waiting for pain. Unless you suspect a stress fracture in the hip, in which case you should never do this, as it might make it worse. Oh. Anyhow, nothing happened and I didn't feel anything, and I finished off the run/walk combo with no probs. 

A few days later I tried a run with Andrew and his brother, doing 5km in Inverness, and it felt OK. 

A few more days later back in London I went for part of Andrew's run along the canal and did 5 miles with no problems, and a few days later, today, I did the same and it was OK again. Although I got overtaken a lot, which is annoying. But then I was so excited or my leg to be feeling OK that I didn't care.

Having x-ray on Monday, as I saw the nurse at my doctor's surgery who thought it was also a good idea to get it checked out, although she thought it was unlikely to be a stress fracture, as if it did happen when I fell then it wouldn't be a stress fracture but an actual fracture, which would be causing a lot more trouble than I'm having. And she thought it was more likely to be ligaments or muscular. So that was quite reassuring. And now it seems to be getting a bit better. But still want to check it out. Although, earliest Doctor's appointment I can get is 26th Jan, so there will be some time before I know for sure!

To end, it's resolution time:

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