Sunday, 22 February 2015

February's news

Here we are at the end of February. Apologies for the lack of blog lately. Had a minor mishap with my laptop. It broke. I was so disappointed in it. I've had it for ages. Literally. About 8 years. I was sure it would get me to the end of my dietetics course. But no. It left me up a certain creak with no paddle, right at the start of my last placement. Still, I have a new one now, and I've had it 2 days, and it's not broken yet.

My last blog said I could run 8.5 miles, and I'm happy to say I can now run 15. The Manchester Marathon is 8 weeks today, and I am sure now that I will be able to do it! Been running 4 times a week and gradually building up my long run, and keeping up with the stretches, and it all seems to be working out OK.

Really enjoying my running right now. Feel very lucky to be able to do it. Yesterday I wasn't sure whether to do my long run or not, as have been a bit under the weather lately. I convinced myself to go out for a short run to start with, and to see how it went. Once I was out there I knew I could do it, and the thought of running further than I have in nearly 4 months made me want to keep going, just to be able to say I did it! That, plus I knew Andrew was running 18 miles today, and I don't want him to catch me on the Nike Plus Leaderboard. Competition. It's healthy.  

It was a cold day, and had been snowing in the morning, but it came out bright and sunny sometimes, and there were loads of people out and about. It was so muddy! Loved it! Had to have two showers and a bath to get all the mud off my feet!

Two nice sunrises once I got back. My Mum and Dad had got home and got lunch ready (mmm - thanks!) and my new pair of trainers had arrived. This was a perhaps slightly unnecessary extravagance. I already have a perfectly good pair of trainers. but as I travel around so much right now, I get fed up of carting them about every weekend, so I got a new pair to leave at my parents. But hey, they were totally worth it!

Ok. I take it back I like this new computer. It's just taken me an actual 15 minutes to work out how to upload that picture. Blasted computer. Why's everything all different on it! 

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