Saturday, 8 August 2015

100 Days of Running - DAY 99, Parkrun PBs & hydration!

Following my Dad's Parkrun/ race debut last weekend, we were back today at Preston Parkrun to break some records. Following a week of serious training, where I found out that my Dad has not one, but three (three!) running outfits, he set a PB of 29:46 knocking a solid 33 seconds off last weeks time. Very proud again! Well done Dad! Again a great Parkrun with some fab support on the way round. Preston wins for inclusion of musical instruments (a tambourine and a maraca today) and friendly supporters and marshals - thanks again Preston! Lovely morning for it too, the sun was shining and the park was all lovely, and the flowers smelt nice, and the river was shimmering. Ahhhh - moments like these are the best! A highlight of 100 Days is that I've got (well, kind of bullied) my Dad into running, and he likes it, and I've shared some of the runs with him, which is brilliant!
Home for a quick cuppa, then another quick 3.5 miler. The trouble (one of) with running is that once you start to get a bit obsessive about numbers/ miles/ times, it quickly snowballs out of control into a full blown obsession, and you can think of nothing else. I decided I wanted to finish the 100 days on a nice round number - 1010 miles, which meant that if I do the marathon tomorrow, I needed to do a bit extra today to make up the miles to that number (this could clearly go on and on and on). It was a great morning to do an extra run - the weather is perfect!
There has been a crisis in Lancashire these last couple of days - a parasite was found in a water treatment works, so we have to boil all the tap water before we drink it. My Mum went to the supermarket to get petrol for tomorrow (to get to the last marathon!) and to get a big bottle of water to take, because it's getting a bit tedious boiling the kettle every 5 minutes. They had run out of bottles of water, so she came back with wine. I was totally happy with this decision without any explanation. But just so you know how such as good decision was made, is that that wine is of low alcohol, and anyway back when water wasn't safe to drink people used to drink alcoholic drinks so they didn't get sick, so we're actually being careful by having wine. Good decision there Mum.
Pre-race hydration is going well.
So, the last day, day 100, is tomorrow! This is terrifying/ exciting/ happy/ sad/ all other emotions all at once, all in one day, which is also quite exhausting. I will be running the Hoad Hill Marathon in Ulverston, finishing on my favourite distance, on a hilly route in some beautiful countryside. And, if you believe the weather forecast, in the dry. Ha! Check back here tomorrow to find out how it went! Not sure how I will feel when I cross the finish line!
Thank you everyone who has sponsored me! Raising money for great charities - Clatterbridge Cancer Charity, Macmillan and Jospice, as chosen by my Aunty, is what this is all about, and you're donations are hugely appreciated - big BIG BIG thanks to you all, and I really mean that.
My fundraising page is here, if you'd like to take a look! It's staying open for donations for a few weeks even after tomorrow:
Had really better boil the kettle now, and have some actual water.
Total days: 99 days
Total miles: 984 miles

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