Wednesday, 22 July 2015

100 Days of Running Day 82 - Morning Coffee at Radio Clatterbridge 1368AM !

Today I was lucky enough to be on the Morning Coffee show on Radio Clatterbridge talking to presenter Steve Evans about 100 Days! Really grateful to have the opportunity to chat about the challenge, and the reason behind it, and hugely grateful to Steve who must have spent ages reading my blog to find out about the challenge, and knew as much about it as I do!  Great conversations. First time I have been in a radio studio, amazing to see Steve single handedly manage the whole show and do about 10 different things at once without batting an eye-lid. A true pro. I am quite embarrassed that even after having several conversations about remembering to take photos, and Steve actually even taking some of me by the Radio Clatterbridge sign, I still managed to forget to do this for the blog, which shows just how bad my memory is, for anyone in any doubt.
Loved being on the show - thanks Steve and Radio Clatterbridge! If you haven't seen their website, it's here - check it out! It's an amazing station - music and entertainment 24/7 for the Clatterbridge Health Park, and run by volunteers. I am trying to work out how close to Clatterbridge I need to be in my car before I can get the signal for 1386 AM.......
My Aunty was in Liverpool having treatment today, so didn't get to catch up. She is half way through her chemo this week though, and is managing OK, but very tired. She is so amazing. After everything she's been through, that is her only complaint. She is an actual star shining brightly :-) Thanks again everyone for all of the good wishes you've been sending her way.
I got the train over there, and I do love that part of the world, the people are the friendliest you will find. Trying to work out which Metro train I needed to get out to Clatterbridge, a member of staff actually asked me if I was alright (imagine that in London!), and when we got talking he remembered me (from the last time I was here for work, and probably asking the same questions) as I have a "very polite voice", which just means a daft voice, but anyway, at least I'm memorable. We then got chatting about 100 Days, which was great!
Got home and did a 10 mile run along the canal (nice and flat, after yesterdays hill run). After being in the studio and listening to all the music, I was inspired to update my Spotify playlists which I haven't done in ages. Nothing like a good dose of cheesy 80's running power ballards to get a good pace going (but that's a secret between us, obviously I'm bang up to date with the latest music, and my playlists aren't at all embarrassing). 

Thanks again Steve, and Radio Clatterbridge!
Total days: 82 days
Total miles: 847 miles


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