Friday, 17 July 2015

100 Days of Running: Days 75, 76 & 77 - eh up norf

Day 75
Back oop norf. Eh up, it's chilly. Squeezed in a swift 10 km this afternoon in the fresh (very fresh) air. Pulled an old favourite out of the bag for this route, which technically is cheating, as I've done it about a million times before, but not during 100 days. Ha! Love this route - canal and hills (lots) and green things and skies!
Day 76
7.5 miles today around another old favourite, which I adapted slightly, getting back into the spirit of things. You would not believe how muddy I got. When you think, it's July, this  is really unacceptable. An unexpected advantage of this is that the mud has filled in the hole in my trainer.
Something happened today which will either help or hinder my running career. I got my first car. So I suppose it could go either of two ways. I will either start driving everywhere, as now I suppose I have entered the modern era and have no need really to run anywhere anymore, as I have four (four!) wheels of my own! Or, a million more running doors have just opened, as now I can get to places easily on my own (not that I want to go on my own, obviously, I'm not saying I don't want anyone else to come anymore, I'm just saying that I could get there on my own, if I needed to). This last option is causing me much excitement, and so I think my car will be an asset to my running. Hurrah!
Day 77
Last night I felt quite ill. Without going in to detail and boring any boys reading this, I will just say one thing, and that is, be glad you are not a girl. Obviously I like being a girl, but sometimes..... I do not. At all.
But recovered this morning and completed 4 miles with no problems, which is good because.....
1. I like being a girl
2. Have got two 1/2 marathons coming up this weekend, which I am very excited for! The Pendle Family Running Festival 1/2 marathon tomorrow, and the Windmill 1/2 Marathon in Lytham on Sunday!
Happy weekend everyone!
Total days: 77
Total miles: 796

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