Monday, 13 July 2015

100 Days of RUnning Days 70, 71 & 72

Day 70
Today's run was fairly uneventful. I had spent the day obsessively looking a the back of my right knee (the one which caused me to drag my leg behind me like an injured gazelle on yesterday's ultra-run) as when I woke up it had bruised all over the back of my knee. I dislike thinking too much about what is going on inside my body, as there is a veritable myriad of things which could be going wrong right this second, and this causes me to panic if I think of it too much, so I don't. When something wrong inside shows itself in a way that I can see, I find it very distressing. So, I spent the day twisting backwards at 2 minute intervals, assessing the shade/ size of the bruise.
It only hurt if I pressed it though, so I thought it would be OK to carry on running. I stuck to 5 km, so as to try not to make it worse, and it was fine. I had left the run till later in the day, so as to optimize my time out, and by the time I got to the park in the evening time, it was full of people drinking beer, eating, and raucous laughter.
Feeling jealous of this joviality, I navigated my way through Frisbees, beer cans, and laugher, but arrived home pleased that I seem to have escaped an injury, again, but then immediately felt anxious about how may times I could get away with that. I'm not even a cat, and I think there must surely have been 9 problems already in the last 70 days. But then, as established above, I am a hypochondriac, so most of the problems probably aren't even actual problems. Felt better again.
Day 71
Today's run was also uneventful, a 4.3 mile run in the park before breakfast and catching a train. It was quite early, and I don't remember much about it, but I conclude from the data on my watch that it must have been me that did it. I also assume that my knee is better, as I don't remember any pain either.
Day 72
Today's run was significant, as it is the LATEST run I have done all 70 days so far, in fact, I think maybe ever! Started at 9.45 pm (after an excellent weekend away visiting The Childs, involving ice-skating, many pancakes, and much hysterical laughter). I became quite anxious, as the deadline for the end of the day was looming, and I knew I had to finish 5 km by the end, not because anything would actually happen, or in fact that anyone would probably care, apart from me.
It was fun, and all my fears about being chased by Jack The Ripper whilst running around Whitehall in the dark were quashed. I think that view might be slightly outdated. The place is as busy at that time as it is in rush hour. With the added advantage that in the dark you can't see the grey dismal city-ness, and instead the place is lit up like Blackpool in a power surge.
Total days: 72 days
Total miles: 758 miles

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