Saturday, 25 July 2015

100 Days of Running Days 83 & 84 Umberella-ella-ella eh eh

Day 83: 10 miles
Today was my last day up north for a bit, so got up early to fit in a favourite run before leaving.
Running along The Goit from White Coppice to Brindscall, it was all very quiet underneath the trees, and I began to wonder if I hadn't taken a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in some enchanted forest. Suddenly, there was an almighty crash and a huge bird (it was possibly either a) a heron, b) a stork, or c) a crane, but I don't know how to tell the difference, so I will refer to it as simply Bird) rose out of the plants right next to me, and started beating it's wings with a deafening roar. The Bird rose up into the sky, snuck a sneaky glance back behind at me, stood open mouthed staring up at the beast, clicked it's heels together, and flew off.

I stayed alert to other mythical beasts for the rest of the run, but a  small sausage dog, a duck, and a sheep who had escaped it's field and was sat in the middle of the path thoughtfully chewing on some grass and considering it's next move, was as exotic as it got.
I got home, and found that the lovely people at Radio Clatterbridge have put up the interview from yesterday online! Plus a really nice article about the challenge......
Day 84: 9 miles
Back in the Big Smoke today. After all the talk about the DNA sculpture trail on the radio, I remembered that I still had some to see, and today seemed like a fine day to go and collect some more. In all other senses it was not a fine day at all. It was raining so hard into the canal that it was sending great fountains of water into the air. I quickly fashioned a waterproof phone holder out of a sandwich bag and some selotape (there is no point in seeking out the elusive sculptures without photographic evidence for you all), and was off out the door before you could sing (which actually, if you try it, takes quite a long time; plenty of time for a cup of tea, a rethink about the advisability of a run in this rain, the trying on of several weather appropriate outfit combinations, and deciding on the first, a glass of water, washing my cups, tidying the cup cupboard, and finally, re-threading my shoelaces, before the rain had not only not stopped but was getting heavier, and so it seemed wise to get this over with, before it got any worse).
If you think London is busy and hard to run through, try doing it while everyone is holding an umbrellas. Golf umbrellas at that. I hold the same opinion of the necessity of golf umbrellas in the capital as I do of 4x4s. Unnecessary. Not enough room.

I have recently bought a Sherlock Holmes paperback for 40p from a charity shop and have quickly become addicted. London today in it's moody and murky state is like a page from those novels. By the time I reached London Bridge I was confident that the East End was full of mysteries just waiting to be solved. I fancied I saw a trail of pipe smoke rising from a dark corner, and the glint of an eye from under a deer stalker.

Collected another four sculptures today....

Chromo - Tim Ashley at Waterloo Station

Creativity for Survival - Pilar Enrich in Trafalgar Square
Life - Darren Baker in Trafalgar Square
Enigma - Jane Morag in Coutts Window, The Strand
And a random addition to the trail - the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, Gift Horse by Hans Haacke - a skeletal horse with an electronic ribbon around it's neck showing live the ticker of the London Stock Exchange, and which represents the link between power, money and history. There you go. Thus completes our art education for the day.
Total days: 84 days
Total miles: 866 miles

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