Wednesday, 3 June 2015

100 Days of Running Day 33 - 1/3 of the way there!

Well. I take it all back. Freeze spray works. Back up to 10 km today with no problemo. Hurrah! Phew. And hurrah again! Feeling a bit worried for a wee while there. All of my trouble is always with my right leg, which I suppose is a bonus, as I still have one good one, but I was doubting whether I could do 67 days and over 670 miles hopping around on my left one.
1/3 of the way to 100 days today! Feeling happy, but also a bit sad that 33 days are done already. Don't get me wrong, this is proving a huge challenge, as I wanted, and there have been some tough periods. But the days seem special somehow, like they have a purpose, and I don't want them to finish.
I feel a thought provoking thought coming on.
Carpe Diem
There you are. That is the depth of my deep thought. And now will follow a short reflective piece on the phrase.
Every day is special. If you make it.
How often we go through the day wishing it to be over so we can do this or that in the evening, wishing it was Friday, wishing it was time for holidays. Of course, there are routine and mundane things that always have to be done - lots of time spent fixing things that I've broken, paperwork/ finding paperwork that I know I put somewhere safe (least favourite thing to do), making decisions in the shop about whether it's better to by 2-4-1 on bags of oranges or will they have gone off by the time I get round to eating them all?
I have lived split between several places it seems for the last couple of years. And I've spent a lot of time waiting for the time when I can be somewhere else, to see someone else, to do something else. When I'm there (where I've been waiting to be,) I then have mixed feelings - content and enthusiastic to fit as much into that time as possible to make the most of it, but also anxious that the time is short and I will soon have to go away again. I think this feeling that time is finite makes it seem more special. But of course, all of our time is finite really, although this is a thought I don't like to think of. But like it or not, it's true, and so it follows that all our time is special. And we should make the most of it all.
So no more waiting or wishing. Our day is now, today! Make our wishes come true now!
And now to bring us back down to earth with the days statistical analysis:
Days: 33
Total miles: 311.16

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