Tuesday, 9 June 2015

100 Days of Running Day 39 - time for reflections


Day 39 = 10 miles, Halifax to Sowerby Bridge along the canal.

Great new route in the sunshine! I am from Lancashire, and have often been the subject of northern jokes regarding how I say things. Which has never really bothered me, because I know I say things right. But since staying in Yorkshire I have turned my hand at adopting a Yorkshire accent to say names properly. So two from today, Sowerby Bridge = Suby Bridge and Slaithwaite = Slowit. I think I've nailed it. No one will guess I'm from The Other Side.

This is another photo fail. So I will describe what you are supposed to see. The sun was shining on the sign (which was also in itself supposed to be a good photo, and show where I came from (Halifax) and was going to (Sowerby Bridge). So, the refection in the water was clearer than the sign itself.
Now that's cleared up, I will explain why I took it. I saw it, and three things came into my head (well actually one did, and then I thought about it a bit longer, and thought of some other stuff too):
1. Sometimes we stare so hard at things trying to see them, but actually, if you look away for a while the answer often shows itself in another place, while you are looking at something else. Et voila! There is your answer clear as day, just in a different place. So, I guess the thing is, don't be so focussed on looking at one thing that you miss all the answers around you.
2. I didn't actually need to see the sign, as I knew where  I was going, as Gary and Mel had taken the time to show me the way the day before. So, if you have kind people around you to help you on your way, you'll get where you're going, you won't get lost.
3. Sometimes the sun does shine so brightly in England that you can't see things. Sometimes.

Days: 39
Total miles: 371.4

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