Saturday, 13 June 2015

100 Days of Running Day 41 - nothing is ever the same

Today (Thursday - this is late) I did exactly the same run that I did yesterday, because it was so nice, but today it was 0.2 miles further.
I am hopeful. I wear a watch that records how far and where I run, and it always always shows that I've run slightly less that I should have done, in a race for example. In the great scheme of the world, I am aware that this is a very minor problem, but I find it irritates me anyway. So, I am not sure if today it has fixed itself, or what. But I've sort of diverted, as that wasn't really my point.
My point was, that you can do the same thing as you've done before, but there is always something different about it. Sure, if I run the same route more than a few times, it gets pretty repetitive and I feel bored, so there is definitely something to be said for mixing it up and trying new things. But in the everyday repetitive stuff that has to get done, if you look closely, there's usually something different that makes it interesting. I suppose if you look at things closely, it's hard to be bored!
And on reflection, I've realised that today's run wasn't exactly the same as yesterday; yesterday I got a bit lost, and today I went the right way. So, even when you think things are the same, often they aren't!
But, I guess it means my watch hasn't fixed itself.
Days: 41
Total miles: 392 miles

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