Day 57: 15.6 miles from Marlow to Windsor
Fab run today, everything is starting to look really different - lots of houses all along the riverside now, and they are all so different - some grand, some crumbling, some brick, some wood, different styles, sizes - never gets dull running by them all! Ran past Bourne End, across the river, and run through Cock March busy at the weekend with people walking dogs. Down to Cookham, a little town, and then back down to the river, and the closest to the river we got- the path went right into it, but then saved us from a quick swim by turning a sharp corner hidden from view.
On to Maidenhead and along its promenade- colourful with summer bunting and flowers everywhere. Boulters Lock, the most famous lock on the river for those who like locks, is next. For someone who has grown up running along canals where everyone gets off their boats to go through the locks themselves, it's funny to see that almost every lock on this river is manned by a lock keeper. And each lock is immaculate - well tended flowers beds on each side, mown grass, shiny signposts. And the locks have been getting busier - most have traffic jams waiting to get through them by now.
Ran under a railway bridge by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and then on downstream to pass Bray on the other side of the river (am hungry, and I know there are 2 Michelin Star restaurants just across the river. Stomach rumbles). Then it's under the M4, and past the Dorney Lakes where the 2012 Olympic rowing and kayaking events were. Then round a couple of bends in the river and Windsor came into view.
Andrew's injury is playing up, so we walked the last little bit along the river in the sunshine. Sat in a café with an ice-coffee for a while and then shimmied on down to find the evenings B&B. St Mary's Cottage is lovely with a lovely owner too - felt relaxed as soon as we got there.
Unfortunately the Queen was out tonight, and so we had to find our own dinner. This was a good thing though, as have been dreaming of pizza for two days, and finally the dream was realised.
Had a walk about town afterwards. This is the Long Walk which runs 2.5 miles from Windsor Castle to the Copper Horse statue of King George 3rd on Snow Hill. Handily, you can see the statue from here, so we just looked at it, and sat on the grass.
Day 58: 19.9 miles from Windsor to Hampton Court (the end!)
The last day! Amazing breakfast again, just to finish off the trend! Adios, Windsor!
It's funny. It goes from being absolutely packed in Windsor to completely quiet only 1/2 a mile or so down the path. The path is still wild and full of stinging nettles, and every so often, red admiral butterflies still sit on the path, fluttering off as we approach.
Soon we passed Runnymead, where in 1215 King John set his seal on the Magna Carta. There is another regatta on here, and this banks are busy with the rowing crews and their teams. Then it's under the M25, a sure sign London is calling. Resist urge to turn back and run all the way back again. Through Staines. Starts to rain hard for the first time all week!
Potential lunch stops are sparse. Find a pub, but there is a half hour wait for a table, it being Sunday lunch time. Have some crisps and lemonade and shelter from the worst of the rain, then set off again.
Then we went on the first ferry crossing of the week! The ferry goes from Shepperton to Weybridge on the other bank, and you summon it by ringing a bell on the quarter hour, when a man comes out of a nearby shop, announces that this is his first day driving the ferry, you pay him £2, and he takes you across. All very jolly. Off the ferry, and we know it's only 10km back to Hampton Court now. This goes really quickly, and before you know it, the red brick of Hampton Court comes into view, and we're there! THE FINISH LINE!!!
Fantastic weeks running. I will miss looking out for these signs! And 158 miles in 8 days has helped the 100 Days of Running mile bank!

Total Days: 58 days
Total Miles: 633 miles
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