Monday, 15 June 2015

100 Days of Running Day 44 - a little downer

Droopy drawers - it's 44!

In case you're wondering, I looked that up, and droopy drawers is a rhyme that refers to sagging trousers. Beyond that, I have no idea.

Today was a flat day running wise. I felt fine, ran 10 km, but just flat. I have no races booked, and I looked for some to make the next 56 days look more challenging/ exciting/ meaningful, but then I didn't know which ones to do, as I don't know exactly what/ where I'll be in the next few months. Then I got really frustrated by this, and wondered why I even bothered trying to better myself and get a new career, if at the end of the day, things were exactly the same as they've always been and I'll continue to spend half of my life faffing about on British trains, which are the worst type to spend time faffing about on, trying to get between all the places/ people who I want to be with. Then I got myself into a total state, and within 5 minutes ended up hating every single thing about everything ever in the world, ever.
Then I heard my Mum's advice in my head, and went for a walk.
During the walk I may also have eaten a beigel (smoked salmon and cream cheese) and had a coffee and done some shopping. But it worked.
I thought about things, and remembered that in life, you've got to try, maybe it won't work, but at least you'll know. If you spend all your time sitting and thinking about what you should do, nothing will ever actually happen. So I guess sometimes you just have to get things moving. I think sometimes it's not the decision you make that's important, but the fact that you made a decision.
So today, I'll get my race calendar out, and get booking some races. If I book them in the wrong place, then hey, there's always a train to get there.

Days: 44
Total miles: 423.25 miles

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean you have nothing planned? There's the small matter of the Thames Path!!! Mum xx
