Sunday, 7 June 2015

100 Days of Running Day 37 - Smiles!


Day 1 post Bolton Hill Marathon = 5 mile run.

Mile 1: ow ow ow ow ow ow
Mile 2: ow ow ow :-) ow ow
Mile 3: ow ow :-) ow ow :-)
Mile 4: ow :-) ow :-) ow :-)
Mile 5: :-) :-) :-) ow :-) :-)

I have been trying something lately. I read an article by Tony Phillips ( @AMileEachDay ) in the June issue of Running Fitness, called 'A Smile Each Day'. This intrigued me. It's all about a 'smile each day game' - while you're out running (/walking/ cycling/ whatever floats your boat) look at everyone you pass, and smile. Simples. I generally like to think I do this, but if I'm honest, I find that in London, I don't do it as much. This is really because not as many people do it to me - I suppose this probably isn't because no one's friendly, it's just because there are so many people, people get sick of smiling at everyone, as you would be running around constantly with a great big grin on your face. But then, would that be such a bad thing? Sure, you might look a bit bonkers, but I bet you'd cheer some people up when they saw you grinning like a Cheshire cat at no one in particular.
So, anyway, I have tried to remedy this new habit of being a bit miserable. I've given it a trial run while at home up north this week, and have been smiling at everyone and saying hello while out running. And you know, almost EVERYONE has smiled back! And it makes you feel so good when this happens! I decided to write about this today, as yesterday at the Bolton Hill Marathon everyone was so friendly and so many smiles were exchanged, that I felt veritably buzzing afterwards, so it has confirmed the theory that this is the way forward.
And smiling at people when you're in a bit of a tough spot (see Mile 2, above) and they smile back makes you feel better, so you smile more (see Mile 3) so more people smile back, so you feel even better and smile more (see Mile 4) and so more people smile back.......'s the Smile Cycle and I'm glad to be in it!
Days: 37
Total miles: 357.4 miles

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