Saturday, 16 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 15

Cheeky wee 5km along the Regents Canal and Grand Herfortshire Canal before breakfast. 

Tomorrow is Richmond Park Marathon, so today is a short run day. Then the rest of the day was spent in flowers and sunshine at Kew Gardens.


And some carb loading thrown in, and general loading with other types of food, just to make sure. Feeling supported in this by my Mum and Andrew. Thanks guys :-)

Very lovely day. But wait, there's got to be something to worry about, right? See, someone else thinks this too!

Got to admit though, that in the middle of Kew Gardens in the sunshine I came the closest to not worrying about a thing as I have in a long time. So the moral of this is, maybe some days we should just eat and drink, and skip the worrying bit for a while, and just go with the flow and see what happens. 

And now, to bed! Rest for tomorrow!

Days: 15
Total miles: 137.04


  1. Well done Amy, we are very proud of your achievements. Hope you feet and joints are working well.
    Kind Regards
    The Greenlands

  2. Should read YOUR FEET feet and joints!!!
    I love London - lucky you.

    1. Hi Ann and The Greenlands! Sorry for my slow reply. Thanks so much for your kind wishes. Everything still seems to be working OK thanks! Been enjoying exploring some new parts of London through running over the last few days, there is so much to see. And the weather has been nicer too! Great to hear from you, and hope you are all well too, Amy x

  3. Hi Ann and The Greenlands! Sorry for my slow reply. Thanks so much for your kind wishes. Everything still seems to be working OK thanks! Been enjoying exploring some new parts of London through running over the last few days, there is so much to see. And the weather has been nicer too! Great to hear from you, and hope you are all well too, Amy x
