Wednesday, 20 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 19

I have been having trouble sleeping lately. I discussed this over cocktails with my friend Rebecca last night (cheers!), and we came to the subjects of dreams. Or nightmares. My most recent dream starred a mosquito flying incessantly around my head, getting louder and louder. Then I woke up, but the buzzing didn't cease. At 4.30 am I thought I was going crazy, but then I spotted it, a real life mosquito, over by the curtain flying round in it's little irritating circles. I hate insects. But I tried to be brave and capture it, but that didn't work. I opened the window, and uttered a quick wish to the universe that the mosquito would be a smart one, and head for freedom. By this time it was completely light, so I lay around staring at the ceiling and thinking how nice it would be to be asleep, while listening to the dulcet tones of the mosquito who was completely freaking out about something now, and who was joined in it's symphony by a cacophony of noises from outside the open window. It seems half the neighborhood is already up. Somebody on the canal boat parked opposite seemed to actually be building something - bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Or perhaps they were putting up mosquito nets over the windows. Who knows. 

I found it the next morning hiding a a corner by the window (it had been smart enough to find it, but not so smart as to actually fly out), so I captured it with my trusty spider catcher (fashioned in an previous emergency situation, from a small box and a potato masher) and released it back to the canal. 

I mentioned this the next day to Andrew, who said oh he thought he had heard something, but he thought it was just a dream, so he just went back to sleep. Don't worry, really its fine, I'll just sort it out myself. At least it wasn't a burglar, or an ax murderer, or anything like that.

There is, I promise, a reason for this rambling!  I remembered a saying I heard when I was little that stuck with me, and it seems apt: 

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have never been to bed with a mosquito in the room" - African proverb

I couldn't agree more. But if you think, seriously, aside from the mosquito, every little positive thing we do all adds up! I feel like the world is so big, and there is so much bad stuff happening, how can anything I do make anything better? But that's totally the wrong attitude when I think of it rationally! Of course, whatever positive thing we do, however little it is, of course it's helping. However little, it doesn't matter. Everything adds up. As long as we try, we will make a difference. 

Days: 19
Total miles: 180.72

P.S. today's run wasn't massively exciting. 7 miles along the canal to the River Thames and back. It rained. It stopped raining once I got back. Standard. Have some runs planned for the next few days should be a bit more exciting! Legs feeling better than yesterday.

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