Friday, 8 May 2015

100 Days of Running: Day 7

First week complete! Today ran 10 miles, so total miles for first week is 70 miles, which hits the average I need to do to complete 1000 miles in 100 days. It's also the most miles I've ever run in a week, and the most days I've run in a row. And everything still works. Smashing.

And fundraising is going well, which is more important. Thank you everyone! And thank you for all your positive words and wishes you have wished to my Aunty....we are all thinking of her and wishing good thoughts and things her way!

Today's run was beautiful. Am in London now. So ran along the canal to Victoria Park, then realised that all of my runs so far, bar the races, have been on the canal, which is going to start sounding boring, so took a detour and ran around the park 3 times. I was talking yesterday about spring coming, but today it feels like it is here for sure. First day running and feeling warm, like actually really properly warm, not just feeling less cold than usual. The flowers are all out and the blossom is on all the trees, there is so much it looks like the branches will break. 

And it smells like the seasons have switched. Funny how smell can be so evocative, out of all of the senses, to me it is the one that stirs the deepest memories and emotions. Sometimes you don't even know what it is. You just catch a scent on the wind, that sends a glimmer of a memory dancing through your mind, but before you catch it it's gone, leaving only the emotion rippling through your heart. And then there are the old familiar smells from the past, that are easy to remember, like the lilac tree from our old garden, that bring back all those memories, running around in the sunshine and playing hide and seek and hiding on the secret wall behind the lilac tree...

...good memories. Lucky to have them. 

But enough reminiscing! To the task in hand. Week 2 begins tomorrow, and I will attend my first ever Park Run. I have fought with the printer, and won, and now have printed a personal barcode meaning I am part of the Park Run community. Can't wait to join in! 

Runs: 7
Total miles: 70

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