Sunday, 3 May 2015

100 Days of Running: Day 2!

Day 2 = The Bluebell 10 km, Yarrow Park, Chorley. Organised by Mad Bull Events, whose moto is "Take the race by the horns".

Alrighty then. This is proper cross country! Mud, hills, bluebells, woods, lodges and 2 x river crossings (but no bridges)!

Very beautiful, the bluebells were just coming out and carpeting the woods in a deep velvet blue. The paths were muddy and steep and riddled with tree roots. So lucky to run in places like this, feel completely immersed in the beauty of the world. At one with nature.

My parents came to watch and got recruited into helping marshalling -  jolly good sports!

Apart from seeing them twice, favourite moments were the two river crossings - the river was about 2 feet deep, and we went straight through it, holding onto a rope. Exciting! And cleaned the trainers. I also saw a photographer walking right up the middle of the river, which is pretty dedicated to the job.

Favourite quote of the day from the nice marshal at the start who looked after my jacket for me, with the warning "I can only watch it 'till 12. If you're back after that, you'll find me in the pub."

And another from the marshal at the end:
Marshal: "100 days of running. What day is this."
Me: "2"
Marshall: "200?"
Me: "No....2, just 2"
Marshal: "Oh! TWO! (pause) Well, only 98 left. That'll be easy from now on."

Yes. Well. Day 2 complete! Although Andrew beat me. Well done, and all that,'s not the winning but the taking part that counts etc etc blah blah blah.  It's 1-1 now. Rematch tomorrow.

Only kidding! Great running.
Fundraising has been going well, and a massive thanks to everyone who has donated :-)
Thanks for reading :-) x 

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