Tuesday, 12 May 2015

100 Days of Running: Day 9

Day 9: 10.05.15

Arrived in Scotland last night (have still been let in, despite election results). Woke from a dream where a Komodo Dragon was trying to eat me. Hid in a tent but it found me and the last thing I remember before waking was the Komodo Dragon's hand unzipping the tent zip and reaching in....

Woke with a cracking headache, from which I deduce that the Komodo Dragon must have got me. Took painkillers but didn't get rid of it, and still felt sick from it (I get migraines, hence the sick feeling). Had to run in the morning as was going to Balmoral Castle later in the day (to see the Queen, of course), so decided to go for the shortest distance today - 5km. Andrew came too and we ran down to the river. Got to the river and a bright light in the shape of an snakes eyeball (or Lord Vodemort's) appeared in my left eye. A bit like if you look at something bright and then look away, apart from I hadn't looked at anything bright, and it didn't fade but got brighter the longer it was there, and moved around in circles around my vision. Have had lights in my eyes before with migraines, but never actual things. Probably that blasted Komodo Dragon from last night.

Hardest run yet!

Total days: 9
Total miles: 83.1

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