Saturday, 9 May 2015

100 Days of Running: Day 8

First ever Park Run this morning, the Mile End Park Run! Almost didn't go as felt completely exhausted when I woke up, and the weather looked pants. But then I thought about why I was doing this challenge, pulled myself together, and got on with it.

Completely glad I did because it was a great morning! And the sun came out!

Park Runs are free 5km timed runs on Saturday mornings organised all around the country and the world. You register on the website and get a barcode, which you print and take with you. You turn up wherever it is for a 9am start with lots of other people, lots of nice volunteer marshals tell you what to do, someone blows a whistle, and you run 5km around a marked course. At the end you get a token and a marshal scans your barcode and the token and you get your time! When you register you chose your 'home' Park Run, but you can go to any event, anytime and be a 'tourist'. At the start line the race director asked for any Park Run tourists, and there were people from as far away as Australia! Everyone is very friendly, met some really nice people, and it's great fun. I recommend it to anyone. Here is their website: 

So I ran there (2 miles), did the race (3.1 miles) and ran home with a bit of a detour round the park (5 miles).




Impressed by how many people were running at 9am on Saturday!

Days: 8
Total Miles: 80

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