Saturday, 30 May 2015

100 Days of Running Day 28 De Ja Vu


This evening ran a half marathon with Andrew to Greenwich Park and back, which is kind of like the weekend run but without the 10km around the park. Anyway, it felt very similar, and it was very beautiful again running along the river to the Royal Naval College and the Cutty Sark .  

My watch got stuck on 4.6 miles for ages. Sometimes it does that. I think it looses satellite signal. The timer keeps going up but the distance gets stuck. It's quite it irritating when you're trying to record everything you do, so you can use it as proof as how far/ how often you've run. And even more annoying when it finally picks up a signal again and 'estimates' where you've been running in the time that it wasn't doing anything, and get's it wrong and says you did less than you have done (and according to the route it made up, I ran through several houses and brick walls during that time). I was done out of 0.2 miles today! I appreciate sounds a bit petty in the grand scheme of things, but it meant that I had to keep running at the end to make it up to 13.1 miles while Andrew got to stop and chill out. That's quite annoying.
I have been pulled up recently on my frequent mention of the weather, which apparently I said I would stop complaining about somewhere near the beginning of all this, but which I vehemently deny saying anything of the sort. I'm British, it wouldn't make sense for me to decide not to talk about the weather. After discussion, it's clarified that I am allowed to comment on the weather in a factual way, as long as I don't express any negative opinions on the state of it. So I can tell you about the weather today, in that it rained all day, until early evening, when it stopped and the sun came out, which is when we went out for a run. And I think that because this is a positive comment, I'm allowed also to say that this pleased me.
Days: 28
Total miles: 277.22

1 comment:

  1. Your weather comment is allowed! I decided to conduct a little experiment today when out walking. I made a mental note of how many people that I said hello to went on to say something about the weather! I have to say I didn't meet that many people after all most of my walk was on bits of moorland and sheep aren't over chatty. However I guess I spoke to about 10 people. I admit that twice I mentioned the weather first and about 6 of the others all said "hello" Then followed it straight away with "isn't it glorious but make the most of it it's not going to last"!!!!!
    So the upshot of that is that you can speak about the weather as much as you like. You can even moan about it if it makes you feel better. It seems we British really do seem to need to talk about the weather.
    On the other hand what else would we talk about to a stranger. "Hello. What did you have for breakfast" or "Hello, like your hat" etc etc. The weather is a safe topic it seems.
    And on that note I've just read that a heatwave is coming our way at the end of next week. About time!!
    Mum xx
